Yesterday we had interviews so that is why i am writing today. They were so good cause its was also the last time i am going to see president lovell and his wife here in the mission! it is really sad but we are already making plans for after the mission. they truely are like my parents here in the mission so mom and dad you have nothing to worry about. BUt also the assistents taught us some new things too. it was aweosme! it was just what i needed to get into the groove of things here. They talked a lot about the carpeta de area and how we need to have it up to date and clean always. A lot of the time us as missionaries say that we dont have any investigators and the area book has a lot of names of past investigators. so elder park took the carpeta de area of the elders and opened it up. randomly found a name and he had a number. so he called it right there and the person answered! it was so cool and he made a cita with him to go and talk with them this week! it was so awesome! They mostly talked about how there are so many people in our area book who we dont know so we need to suck it up and call them! so that is what we did last night! we went through our area book and called a lot of people and this week is full of citas and we have a lot of contacts to do! i am so pumped!!!!
I am a little scared to be in a bigger area and i dont know anyone but i am doing just fine! the missionaries here are great and it is also great to have a companion who knows the area! And she doesnt know a lot of english so i have to speak spanish. which isnt bad at all! i like it! i am finding out that i need to know a lot more! but it comes with time. next week i hit the 6 month mark! i cant believe how fast it has gone! i feel like im still getting trained. But ya fue. yo amo la mision y estoy agradecida por la oportunidad estar acá en argentina. yo sé que el señor esta ayudandome con todos para que pueda hacer su obra. gracias por su apoyo y amor! Les quiero mucho! tengan suerte en su semana!!!!
con amor,
hemana jones